Christopher Love

Christopher Love

Senior Instructor


  • PhD, English, University of Southern Mississippi
  • MA, English, University of Tennessee
  • BA, English, University of Memphis, Minor in French Literature

Research Areas

  • 20th/21st Century American and British Literature
  • Gothic Studies
  • African American Literature


Dr. Love has been at the University of Alabama since 2013. Originally from Memphis, TN, he has published fiction and scholarship and runs the American Writers in France Study Abroad Program.

Courses Taught

  • EN 429 Directed Studies: “The Lost Generation”
  • EN 366 20th Century American and British Poetry
  • EN 311 American Gothic Literature
  • EN 311 American Writers in France
  • UH 200 Life as a Scholar
  • EN 250 African American Literature II
  • EN 249 African American Literature I
  • EN 220 American Literature II Honors
  • EN 219 American Literature I Honors
  • EN 216 British Literature II Honors
  • EN 215 British Literature I Honors
  • EN 210 American Literature II
  • EN 209 American Literature I
  • EN 206 British Literature II
  • EN 205 British Literature I
  • EN 103 Honors Composition
  • EN 102 Composition
  • EN 101 Composition

Selected Publications


Crimson Code: The Price of Success (w/Desmond Jackson) (Evermore Books, 2024)


  •  “‘The Body Suspended’: Gothic Corporeality in Billy Budd” (forthcoming, book chapter from Gothic Melville, University of Wales Press)
  •  “Contracted Space: John Updike and the American West,”  The John Updike Review Spring (2024): 35-41.
  •  “Escaping Earth: The Uninhabitable Planet, from Rocketship X-M to Interstellar. “ The Eternal Future of the 1950s: Essays on Science Fiction Films, McFarland Press, 2023.
  •  “Updike, Melville, and the Domestic Novel: A Month of Sundays and Pierre; or, the Ambiguities” with Dr. Jeffrey Pusch, John Updike Review Summer (2019): 111-129
  • “Robert Frost: Gothic Poet.” Robert Frost Review Spring (2012): 42-63
  • “Gothic Poems in North of Boston.” Synergy Journal Spring (2011): 127-133
  • “Race and Space: William Wells Brown, Clotel, and Racial Spaces.” Black Magnolias Literary Journal 3.2 (2009): 22-28.


  • “The Last Night of Big ‘B’ Townes” Arkansas Review December 2018
  • “La Vampire du Vieux Carre” Opiate Magazine July 2018
  • “Letters from the Dead” Dual Coast Magazine July 2018
  • Crescent Garden (2007, Evermore Books)


  • “Gerald Horne’s Black Revolutionary: William Patterson and the Globalization of the African American Freedom Struggle.” Journal for the Study of Radicalism, Spring 2015.